On turning 30…

“To not claim your age is to dishonour those years” Oprah

I heard this quote last week when I was watching one of my fav Canadian TV personalities, George Stroumboulopoulos, interview Oprah during her live shows here in Canada.

I wrote it down immediately and thought I have to share this on my next post, especially since the end of my 20’s and start of my 30’s was just around the corner.

Well, here I am turning 30 very, very soon and I’ve truly taken time to reflect on my years thus far. With milestone birthdays I’ve found in general instead of embracing the year’s we’ve had, we dread turning 20, 30, 40 etc..

I think what Oprah said is truly brilliant and inspiring; it sort of turned everything upside down for me in how I’m thinking about my pending birthday and how I think we all should think about each year that passes. In the years have gone by yes there have been ups and downs, however, without all of the experiences, the good and the bad, and all of the memories I’ve made I wouldn’t be who I am today.

So this year instead of shying away from my birthday, I’m absolutely going to ‘claim’ my age and honour all of the years that have made me who I am and will continue to allow me to grow as a person. Hearing that quote last week was a present in itself for me, it’s something I wanted to make sure I shared so maybe it will affect you in a similar, positive way; perhaps it’s a quote you keep and look back on one of your birthdays, something that helps you reflect on the year’s that have made you the person you are today, celebrate those years, no matter which birthday year it is.

Until next time…